Morecambe Mark Installation
There was much to enjoy about the installation meeting of Morecambe Mark Lodge No 716. There was the quality of the ceremony to observe, the opportunity to enjoy good company and the pleasure of a tasty meal. But one of the highlights was without doubt witnessing the number of junior members present and noting the fact that all the progressive offices were filled from their ranks.
Frank Heath, Kieron Mullan and Graham Dowling
Installing WM Graham Dowling welcomed Provincial Junior Warden Kieron Mullan in what was his debut appearance as a representative of the PGM. Accompanying Kieron on his entrance were several grand officers including special representative Stuart Brackstone along with Provincial Grand. Steward Jim Richards.
Jim Richards, Fred Schofield, Tony Harrison, Frank Heath,
Kieron Mullan, Graham Dowling, Brian Davey and John Stanley
They were able to watch Graham install Frank Heath as his successor in fine style. Graham’s accurate and pleasing style of delivery was a delight to listen to. The confident manner in which Frank then discharged the various duties of his new office bodes well for the coming year.
Malcolm Cambidge and Stuart Brackstone
Of course, others too played their part. Frank’s proposer Geoff Bury presented the working tools of the order and also addressed the Overseers as to their duties. The address to Frank was orated by Tony Harrison, the address to the wardens undertaken by John Stanley the keystone jewel presented by Ron Gibson and Kieron was called upon to deliver the address to the Brethren. All added to the enjoyment of the occasion.
Geoff Bury, Chris Butterfield, Keith Lamb and Alan Gregory
Lodge stalwart Malcolm Cambidge had been unable to attend the Provincial Grand Chapter meeting when he was promoted to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden. Stuart took the opportunity to formally present Malcolm with his patent of appointment on behalf of the PGM. This was received with sustained acclamation.
Paul Broadley, Peter Schofield, Stuart Brackstone, Brian Benn and Chris Larder
Chris Butterfield, who had acted as secretary in making many of the arrangements for the event, along with director of ceremonies Keith Lamb and his assistant Alan Gregory BEM can reflect on a job well done.
To mark the occasion a donation of £200 was made to the Motor Neurone Association.
Brian Benn Frank Heath and the Travelling Keystone
Having delivered such a finale to his term of office, and after a year which saw him represent the lodge far and wide, Graham could perhaps be expected to sit back for a while and rest on his laurels. That is far from the case as he stepped right into the important role of Treasurer taking over from Geoff Bury.
The diners
Amongst those watching proceedings were five master’s in office. Jim Richards of Philadelphia, Paul Broadley of Lebanon, Chris Larder of Garnett, Peter Schofield of Furness and Brian Benn of Jubilee.
The celebratory meal was enjoyed by 40 members and their guests. After Frank had replied to the toast to his health he was pleasantly surprised to be presented with the Travelling Keystone by Brian.
With two joining members successfully balloted for on the evening, a candidate for advancement proposed and another in the wings it would seem that Morecambe Mark Lodge is in good health.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear